Sunday, March 4, 2012


ok well i know itunes is good for downloading music into

ur ipod but what other music stations is also good

for downloading usic because my itunes broke so im looking

for other stations to download music

u guys know any others

plz tell me im in music crisis!!!Music???!!!!!!!!?
uninstall itunes and then reinstall it... thats what i had to do with mine.... i get my music from limewire :]
You cat try to listen music online, just find a good website and listen music from it. Personally i use for me it is the best.

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You could always choose to use a P2P Sharing client which is a free app that provides free downloads, from music to videos.

Frostwire has a 'turbo-charged' download function and can do almost 100 kb/s on dial-up.

Link is

It'll be easy so you won't need any other further instructions.
guess you could try rhapsodyMusic???!!!!!!!!?
you have to use i tunes for an i pod and how does it break?

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